Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Presentation at the DOAG 2010

Yesterday I presented PBXT: A Transactional Storage Engine for MySQL at the German Oracle User Group Conference (DOAG) in Nuremberg. A number of people asked for the slides, so here is the link.

The talk was scheduled to be in English, but since I had a German-only audience I presented in German. There was quite a bit of interest, particularly in the Engine Level replication built into PBXT 2.0.

As Ronny observed, this feature can be used effectively for many tasks, including for online backup and maintaining a hot-standby. This all with the addition of a "small" feature:

The Master could initially stream the entire database over to the Slave before actual replication begins. This would also make it extremely easy to setup replication.

A brilliant idea, but a good 3 months work...


Rob said...

Have you been following the discussions of streaming a base back up for Postgres?

Paul McCullagh said...

Hi Rob,

No I have not. Do you have a link?

Andy said...

Would the online backup feature be similar to Xtrabackup? I wondered if you could adapt xtrabackup to PBXT.

Rob said...

Paul McCullagh said...

Hi Andy,

The backup feature would create a "mountable" snapshot of the databases. I am not sure if that is what XtraBackup does. Normally a backup is just a stream which can be stored on disk or tape, and must be "restored" before it can be used.

I think it would be possible to adapt XtraBackup for PBXT. I would just have to provide the same hooks that InnoDB provides for doing hot backup.

Oli Sennhauser said...

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your great presentation and the slides... Just downloaded it. Was playing yesterday around with PBXT and some questions pop up...
