Recently Mark observed that we now all need a storage engine independent test suite, Sun included! Well, as far as I know, there is such a thing at Sun, sort of. Apparently it has been used to test PBXT and other engines, but I've heard it is not in good enough shape to be released.
But my question is, why not release it anyway? We could turn it into an engine community project. I believe there are enough engine developers out there to get this moving forward.
The secret is to start small, and just get a few tests to run with all engines. Then additional tests can be added step by step. Engines need a way to specify that they want to skip a test entirely (e.g. transactional tests), and it should be easy to customize results for various engines.
An example of a simple and elegant solution can be found in Drizzle. As Monty Taylor mentioned in a comment to Marks blog: "We have some patches to test-run in Drizzle to allow running the whole test suite with a specified storage engine".
I think it has been long enough. This could be a good opportunity to start a Sun/Community project, something like Drizzle. In other words, get something out there, even if it is incomplete, and let the community also take a large part of the responsibility.
1 comment:
There are definitely enough people out there to help start this project. I like the idea of getting the community involved, and I think doing it will produce results. Everyone is always commenting on how they could have made something better, so this is their opportunity to shine. I am eager to see the product of community involvement, and think it is a great idea.
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