Friday, October 19, 2007

New PBXT/MyBS release enables JDBC-based BLOB streaming!

This is quite a milestone for me! At last it possible to actually do some practical work with the BLOB streaming engine (MyBS)!

For this release I have completed changes to the MySQL Connector/J 5.0.7, to allow BLOB data to be transparently stored and retrieved from the MyBS BLOB repository. The new version of the driver is called MySQL Connector/J SE (streaming enabled).

Uploading a BLOB is as simple as using setBinaryStream() or setBlob() on INSERT or UPDATE. By using getBinaryStream() or getBlob() after a SELECT you get direct access to the data stream coming from the repository. More information and some examples are provided in the documentation at:

To try this out you need to install the latest versions of PBXT and MyBS. Both are available from:

Binary versions of the storage engines are also available for MySQL 5.1.22 running on 32-bit Linux and x86 Mac OS X. The modified version of the JDBC source code is included in the MyBS source code distribution, but the driver can also be downloaded here.

I have included a small test program,, as part of the JDBC driver. So once you have installed the engines, you can test BLOB streaming as follows:

java -cp mysql-connector-java-5.0.7se-bin.jar TestJDBC

TestJDBC connects to a local MySQL server, creates a PBXT table and tests INSERT and SELECT of rows containing BLOBs. The program also serves as an example of how to do BLOB streaming with JDBC, but this is all pretty much standard stuff.

To get started quickly, the most important things to note are:
  • Set EnableBlobStreaming=true in your JDBC connection URL.
  • Streamable BLOBs can only be stored in LONGBLOB columns in PBXT tables.
  • Use setBinaryStream(), setAsciiStream() or setBlob() and specify the length to upload a BLOB.
A streamable BLOB is a BLOB where the data is stored in the MyBS BLOB repository and a reference is inserted into the row. If you use setBinaryStream() on INSERT, for example, but specify a length of -1, then the JDBC driver reverts to the default (non-streaming enabled) behavior which is to store the data directly in the table. The data will be returned correctly on SELECT, but is not streamable.

As usual, any comments, questions or bug reports can be sent directly to me: paul-dot-mccullagh-at-primebase-dot-com. Make sure you put the word PBXT or MyBS in the e-mail title to make it through my spam filter! :)