Wednesday, October 25, 2006

PBXT now hosted by!

I would have liked to have done this on MySQLForge but, as you know, this is not yet possible. However, if MySQL were to provide even part of their, obviously, excellent development management system for external projects I would be one of the first on board.

In the meantime, PrimeBase XT source code and development will be managed on

For new projects it really makes sense to use Subversion instead of CVS, so to get the latest version of the source code you enter the following:

svn checkout pbxt

If you are a Mac OS X user, or your UNIX distribution does not include the Subversion client, you can download it from I recommend Mac OS X users install the version from a .dmg since the Fink version is not yet available in binary form (with SSL support).

[ By the way, this may be of interest to developers using Mac OS X: the only way I have managed to compile the latest MySQL 5.1 sources is by using Fink to download and install the latest versions of automake, autoconf, make, bison and libtool! ]

Following the Subversion convention, the current Beta release is available as a snapshot in the 'tags' directory:

And, of course, bug reporting and tracking will also be handled by, so from now on please report all bugs at Projects » PrimeBase XT » Tracker » Bugs, and feature requests at Projects » PrimeBase XT » Tracker » Feature Requests.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

PBXT mentioned on SlashDot by CEO Mårten Mickos

Following up on what Stewart and Colin reported: this definitely is the first time PBXT has been mentioned on SlashDot: MySQL CEO Mårten Mickos Answers Your Questions.

Mårten, speaking of the the innovative power of MySQL AB, says: "But more massive is the innovation that happens in the MySQL ecosystem", and lists PBXT amongst a lot of other great work.

So I am very proud that PBXT was mentioned in this context!